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For a full list of configuration options, see the Variables and Labels sections.

Docker Compose Example

    image: minituff/nautical-backup:2.11 #(7)!
    container_name: nautical-backup
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock #(1)!
      - /config:/config #(9)!
      - /source:/app/source #(2)!
      - /destination:/app/destination #(3)!
    environment: # Optional variables (4)
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles #(8)!
      - CRON_SCHEDULE=0 4 * * * #(5)!
      - SKIP_CONTAINERS=example1,example2,example3 #(6)!
  1. Mount the docker socket. Used to start and stop containers. See the Docker Socket Proxy page for more information.
  2. Mount the source directory.
  3. Mount the destination directory.
  4. TIP: Avoid using "quotes" in the enviornment variables.
  5. Scheduled time to run backups. Use this website to help pick a CRON schedule.
    • Default = 0 4 * * * - Every day at 4am.
  6. Containers to skip for backup. A comma seperated list.
  7. It is recommended to avoid using the latest tag.
    • This project is under active development, using a exact tag can help avoid updates breaking things.
  8. Set the time-zone. See this Wikipedia page for a list of available time-zones.
  9. Configuration folder. This directory will will Nautical's internal database which stores metrics and history.

Docker CLI Example

docker run -d \
  --name nautical-backup \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ #(1)!
  -v /config:/config \ #(9)!
  -v /source:/app/source \ #(2)!
  -v /destination:/app/destination \ #(3)!
  -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" \ #(8)!
  -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 4 * * *" \ #(5)!
  -e SKIP_CONTAINERS="example1,example2,example3" \ #(6)!
  minituff/nautical-backup:2.11 #(7)!
  1. Mount the docker socket. Used to start and stop containers. See the Docker Socket Proxy page for more information.
  2. Mount the source directory.
  3. Mount the destination directory.
  4. TIP: Avoid using "quotes" in the enviornment variables.
  5. Scheduled time to run backups. Use this website to help pick a CRON schedule.
    • Default = 0 4 * * * - Every day at 4am.
  6. Containers to skip for backup. A comma seperated list.
  7. It is recommended to avoid using the latest tag.
    • This project is under active development, using a exact tag can help avoid updates breaking things.
  8. Set the time-zone. See this Wikipedia page for a list of available time-zones.
  9. Configuration folder. This directory will will Nautical's internal database which stores metrics and history.