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For a full list of configuration options, see the Variables and Labels sections.

Docker Compose Example

    image: minituff/nautical-backup:2.6 #(7)!
    container_name: nautical-backup
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock #(1)!
      - /config:/config #(9)!
      - /source:/app/source #(2)!
      - /destination:/app/destination #(3)!
    environment: # Optional variables (4)
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles #(8)!
      - CRON_SCHEDULE=0 4 * * * #(5)!
      - SKIP_CONTAINERS=example1,example2,example3 #(6)!
  1. Mount the docker socket. Used to start and stop containers.
  2. Mount the source directory.
  3. Mount the destination directory.
  4. TIP: Avoid using "quotes" in the enviornment variables.
  5. Scheduled time to run backups. Use this website to help pick a CRON schedule.
    • Default = 0 4 * * * - Every day at 4am.
  6. Containers to skip for backup. A comma seperated list.
  7. It is recommended to avoid using the latest tag.
    • This project is under active development, using a exact tag can help avoid updates breaking things.
  8. Set the time-zone. See this Wikipedia page for a list of available time-zones.
  9. Configuration folder. This directory will will Nautical's internal database which stores metrics and history.

Docker CLI Example

docker run -d \
  --name nautical-backup \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ #(1)!
  -v /config:/config \ #(9)!
  -v /source:/app/source \ #(2)!
  -v /destination:/app/destination \ #(3)!
  -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" \ #(8)!
  -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 4 * * *" \ #(5)!
  -e SKIP_CONTAINERS="example1,example2,example3" \ #(6)!
  minituff/nautical-backup:2.6 #(7)!
  1. Mount the docker socket. Used to start and stop containers.
  2. Mount the source directory.
  3. Mount the destination directory.
  4. TIP: Avoid using "quotes" in the enviornment variables.
  5. Scheduled time to run backups. Use this website to help pick a CRON schedule.
    • Default = 0 4 * * * - Every day at 4am.
  6. Containers to skip for backup. A comma seperated list.
  7. It is recommended to avoid using the latest tag.
    • This project is under active development, using a exact tag can help avoid updates breaking things.
  8. Set the time-zone. See this Wikipedia page for a list of available time-zones.
  9. Configuration folder. This directory will will Nautical's internal database which stores metrics and history.