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Dev Container

1. Verify Requirements

2. Open DevContainer

  1. Clone to repo, then open it in VSCode.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P
  3. Then select Dev Container: Open Folder in Container
  4. Wait for the container to build

3. Check the container

Once the container is running and you're connected, you should see Dev Container: Nautical in the bottom left of the Status bar.

The nb command

The nb command gets installed as part of the DevContainer creation process.

nb --help

-- Nautical Backup Developer Commands: 
build          - Build Nautical container
run            - Run already built Nautical container
build-run      - Build and run Nautical container

build-test     - Build and run Nautical Testing container
test           - Run already built test Nautical container
build-test-run - Build and run Nautical Testing container

api            - Run the Python API locally
pytest         - Pytest locally and capture coverage
format         - Format all python code with black

docs           - Run the Nautical documentation locally