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Environment Variables

Nautical provides configuration in the form of Docker environment variables.

See the Installation Section, which contains a few examples of applying environment variables.

Environment Variable vs Label Priority

If a container has an Environment Variable applied as well as a conflicting Label, then:

The container Label takes priority over the global Nautical environment variable.

Time Zone

Sets the time-zone to be used by the CRON schedule. If this environment variable is not set, Nautical will use the default time-zone: Etc/UTC.

To change the time-zone, see this Wikipedia page, find your location and use the value in TZ Database Name, e.g America/Los_Angeles.

Default: Etc/UTC

To verify the correct time-zone, use the command docker exec nautical-backup date

CRON Schedule

Allow changing the schedule for when the backup is started.

Default: 0 4 * * *


Enable/Disable CRON Schedule

Completely disable the recurring backup via a CRON schedule.

This could be useful if you want to run Nautical manually via Backup On Start or the Rest API.

Default: true (CRON enabled)


Create a Dated Destination Folder

This option will tell Nautical to create a new destination folder on backup.

For example: /dest_folder/2024-04-05/contianer

Default: false


Destination Folder Format

Use the Python time.strftime() module to format format the destination folder's name.

Default: %Y-%m-%d (2024-04-05 for example)

Format: Python time.strftime() format


You are allowed to use almost anything in this field

While it may be a intended to use the date format here, you don't have to. You could set this value to latest backup or insert addional text around the date format like this: Nautical Backup - %Y-%m-%d. Use this setting to add a prefix and/or suffix to the dated folder.

NOTE: Some linux machines may have issues with spaces in this field. It is recommended you use underscores _ instead of spaces when possible.

Destination Folder Path

Use this option to designate which path strategy is used when creating a dated destination directory.

  • date/container = /dest_folder/2024-04-05/container1
  • container/date = /dest_folder/container1/2024-04-05

Default: date/container

Options: container/date or date/container


Container Backup Date vs Nautical Start Date

Use the precise date for formatting the destination folder When false, use the time Nautical started the backup (not when the container was backed up).

Default: false


Let's say you have the following format: DEST_DATE_FORMAT=%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S

Since the timing is so precise (using seconds) we may get a result like this:

-- src
|-- 2024-11-24_14-26-43
|-- 2024-11-24_14-26-44
|-- 2024-11-24_14-28-10

But what we actually want is a result like this:

-- src
|-- 2024-11-24_14-26-43
#  (1)
|-- 2024-11-24_14-28-10

  1. The folder that was here is now within in 2024-11-24_14-26-43 folder

By setting USE_CONTAINER_BACKUP_DATE=false, then the date used will be the time Nautical actually started, not the time when each container is processed. Meaning that even if the containers take a few minutes to backup, the folder format will remain the same for each of them.

Additional Folders

Allows Nautical to backup folders that are not associated with containers.

The additional folders must either exist or be mounted into the app/source folder within Nautical.

Default: empty (no additional folders)

Format: <folder_name> (comma separated for multiple items)


When to backup additional folders?

Use this setting to decide if the additional folders are backed up before or after the containers.

Default: before

Options: before, after

Additional Folders Example

This example shows us how to add two additional folders to our backup that are not associated with a container. Here, the additional folders will be backed up first, followed by any containers Nautical finds.

The additional2 folder already exists within the /opt/volume-data so it does not need a mount point.

    image: minituff/nautical-backup:2.11
    container_name: nautical-backup
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /config:/config
      - /opt/volume-data:/app/source #(4)!
      - /mnt/nfs-share/backups:/app/destination
      - /mnt/additional:/app/source/additional #(1)!
      - ADDITIONAL_FOLDERS=additional,additional2 #(2)!
      - ADDITIONAL_FOLDERS_WHEN=before #(3)!
  1. Mount additional inside the /app/source directory in the container
  2. Tell Nautical to process both the additional and additional2 folders
  3. Tell Nautical when to backup the additional folders. * before is the default
  4. The additional2 folder already exists within the /opt/volume-data so it does not need a mount point.

If the same folder is named in the Additional Folders label and a service env variable--it will be backed up twice.

🔄 This is the same action as the Additional Folders label, but applied globally.

Additional folders date format

To enable the Dated Destination folder syntax for Global Additional folders (not folders tied to containers), then use this variable.

Default: false (use the base destination folder)


The destination folder format and destination folder path enviornment variables will be respected.

Secondary Destination Locations

Tell Nautical to backup folders to more destination locations--in addition to the normal destination folder (/app/destination).

This is a path inside the Nautical container.

Default: empty (no secondary locations)

Format: <absolute paths> (comma separated for multiple items)


Pay attention to the newly added highlighed lines:

    image: minituff/nautical-backup:2.11
    container_name: nautical-backup
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /config:/config
      - /opt/volume-data:/app/source
      - /mnt/nfs-share/backups:/app/destination
      - /mnt/nfs-share/destination1:/nautical/destination1 #(1)!
      - /another/path:/nautical/destination2 #(2)!
      - SECONDARY_DEST_DIRS=/nautical/destination1,/nautical/destination2 #(3)!
  1. Mount /nautical/destination1 directory in the container
  2. Mount /nautical/destination2 directory in the contianer
  3. Tell Nautical to copy files to these two locations:
    • /nautical/destination1 which actually goes to /mnt/nfs-share/destination1 on the host machine
    • /nautical/destination2 which actually goes to /another/path on the host machine

Additional Folders will also be copied to these secondary locations.

Skip Containers

Tell Nautical to skip backup of containers in this list.

This list can either be the container name or full id.

Default: empty (no skips)


Getting the full container ID

Usually, it's easier to just use the container-name, but if you need to use the full ID, these commands will help:

  • docker ps --no-trunc
  • docker inspect <container name>

🔄 This is the same action as the Disable Nautical label, but applied globally.

Require Label

Require the Docker Label nautical-backup.enable=true to be present on each container or it will be skipped.

Default: false


See the Enable or Disable Nautical Label Section for more details.

Multi-Instance Label Prefix

Sometimes, running multiple insances of nautical-backup can enable extra funcunality: such as unique CRON schedules for different containers, etc.

By default, nautical-backup will only scan containers having labels starting with nautical-backup.*. To be able to run multiple instances of nautical-backup, you may want to customize the label prefix to avoid colision among instances.

Default: nautical-backup

  # Multiple instance of nautical
      - LABEL_PREFIX=nautical-backup.inst1
      - LABEL_PREFIX=nautical-backup.inst2

  # Multi targets
      - nautical-backup.inst1.enable=true
      - nautical-backup.inst2.enable=true

Override Source Directory

Allows a source directory and container-name that do not match.

Default: empty (use container name)

Format: <container-name>:<local source folder name> (comma separated for multiple items)

Normally a container is backed up only when the container-name is the exact same as the source folder name.

For example, a container named Pi.Alert will be skipped with a source directory name of pialert. To fix this, we can override the source directory name so that it does not need to match the container name.


We can override multiple containers if we separate them with a comma.

The example above would yield the following results:

Container Name Old Source Directory New Source Directory
example1 src/example1 src/example1-new-source-data
ctr2 src/ctr2 src/ctr2-new-source

We can use a nested folder by simply appending it to the source path

The example above would yield the following results:

Container Name Old Source Directory New Source Directory
example1 src/example1 src/subfolder/example1

🔄 This is the same action as the Override Source Directory label, but applied globally.

Override Destination Directory

Changes the destination backup name to be something other than the container name.

Default: empty (use container name)

Format: <container-name>:<new destination folder name> (comma separated for multiple items)

Normally, a container is backed to a folder with the same name as the container-name.

For example, let's say we have a container named Pi.Alert. By default, the container will be backed up to a folder named Pi.Alert. If we want to change this destination folder name to be pialert, we can do that using overrides.


The example above would yield the following results:

Container Name Old Destination Directory New Destination Directory
example1 dest/example1 dest/example1-new-dest-data
ctr2 dest/ctr2 dest/newdest

🔄 This is the same action as the Override Destination Directory label, but applied globally.

Execute Commands before or after backup

Execute a command before or after backing up all the containers. This can be used to alert services before shutdown and/or ensure the services came online correctly.

This command will run before/after the entire backup process is initiated.

Default: empty (nothing will be done)

FORMAT: The entirety of a command

POST_BACKUP_EXEC=curl -d "Backup successful 😀"
Test your exec

Before setting the variable/label, it is a good idea to ensure it works first. Here is an example.

Ensure Nautical is running first, then run:

docker exec -it nautical-backup \
  curl -X GET ''
Note: You can only have 1 before and 1 after Curl Request. This applies to Nautical itself, not to each container.

Available Enviornment Variables
Method Description
NB_EXEC_CONTAINER_NAME The container name*
NB_EXEC_BEFORE_DURING_OR_AFTER When is this command being. Options
NB_EXEC_COMMAND The exact command exectuted
NB_EXEC_ATTACHED_TO_CONTAINER Is this exec command attached to a container

*Require access to a container. Eg. When NB_EXEC_ATTACHED_TO_CONTAINER=true

💰 Tip: To use the enviornment variables in a docker-compose file, you will need to escape them with a double $:

  - "nautical-backup.curl.before=echo name: $$NB_EXEC_CONTAINER_NAME" # (1)!

  1. Notice the double $$

🛎️ Want any additional enviornment variables? Submit an issue.

Executing a script

If you need to run more than a simple one-liner, we can run an entire script instead. Here is a basic example:

Create a file (we will name it and place it in the mounted /config directory.

Remember: We mounted the /config folder as part of the Installation.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello from"

# Variable usage example

Give the file execution permission: chmod +x /config/

Test the script

Ensure Nautical is running first, then run:

docker exec -it nautical-backup \
  /bin/bash /config/

Add your script to the enviornment variable


🔄 This is the same action as the Execute Commands label, but applied globally (not per container).

Report file

Enable or Disable the automatically generated report file.

Default: true


Skip Stopping Containers

Bypass stopping the container before performing a backup. This can be useful for containers with minimal configuration.

Default: empty (no containers will be skipped)


Not stopping containers can produce corrupt backups.

Containers with databases--particularly SQL--need to be shutdown before backup.

Only do this on containers you know for certain do not need to be shutdown before backup.

🔄 This is the same action as the Stop Before Backup label, but applied globally.

Backup on Start

Nautical will immediately perform a backup when the container is started in addition to the CRON scheduled backup.

Default: false


The console Nautical backup logs will not be avilable until all the containers have been processed.

This is due to a limitation in S6-Overlay.

Run Once

This variable will tell Nautical to immediately quit after the first backup. If combined with Backup on Start, Nautical will immediately start a backup, then exit.

Default: false


Without Backup on Start, the CRON Schedule will call the backup and then Nautical will exit.

Mirror Source Directory Name to Destination

Mirror the source folder name to the destination folder name.

When using a source directory override, then the KEEP_SRC_DIR_NAME=true setting (which is the default) will mean the destination directory will be the same as the source directory, without using a destination directory override.

If a destination directory override is applied for a container, then the override will be used instead of mirroring the source name, regardless of the KEEP_SRC_DIR_NAME setting.

Default: true


Here we override the source folder to Pi.Alert to pialert, and since KEEP_SRC_DIR_NAME=true (which is the default) the destination folder will also be named pialert.

Container Name Source Directory Destination Directory
Pi.Alert src/pialert destination/pialert

Here we override the source folder to Pi.Alert to pialert, and since KEEP_SRC_DIR_NAME=false the destination folder will not be mirrored, so the container-name Pi.Alert will be used.

Container Name Source Directory Destination Directory
Pi.Alert src/pialert destination/Pi.Alert

Here we override the source folder to Pi.Alert to pialert.

We also override the destination folder to pialert-backup.

Since a destination override is used, the KEEP_SRC_DIR_NAME setting is not used for this container.

Container Name Source Directory Destination Directory
Pi.Alert src/Pi.Alert destination/pialert-backup

🔄 This is the same action as the Mirror Source Directory Name to Destination label, but applied globally.


Enable or disable the Nautical API.

Default: true


A quick note

A false value doesn't completely disable the REST API service--it will only disable the logs stating the API starting.

The REST API is used internally for Docker Healthchecks. However, you do not open the port, then all the endpoints will remain unreachable. See the Nautical API section for more information.

API Username and Password

See API Section for examples how authenticating to the API.

Default Username: admin

Default Password: admin

Format: string


Setting the username and password to "" will not disable authentication. A login is always required.

Console Log Level

Set the console log level for the container.

Default: INFO



Report Log Level

Set the log level for the generated report file. Only used if the report file is enabled.

Default: INFO



Use Report File on Backup Only

With a value of true, then the report file will only be created when a backup is performed, not during Nautical initialization.

With a value of false, then all logs will also be sent to the report file assuming they are the right log level.

Default: true


Use Default rsync Arguments

Use the default rsync arguments -raq (recursive, archive, quiet)

Useful when using Custom rsync Arguments

Default: true


🔄 This is the same action as the Use Default rsync Arguments label, but applied globally.

Custom rsync Arguments

Apply custom rsync args (in addition to the default args)

Default: empty (no custom rsync args will be applied)

There are many rsync arguments that be be used here.

Custom rsync Arguments Example
# Don't backup any .log or any .txt files
RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS=--exclude='*.log' --exclude='*.txt'

The RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS will be inserted after the $DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS as shown:

rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS $src_dir/ $dest_dir/

🔄 This is the same action as the Custom rsync Arguments label, but applied globally.